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You Can Sell Your Ugly House Without A Realtor – Here’s How

You Can Sell Your Ugly House Without A Realtor

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Selling Your Home Without a Realtor


One of the quickest ways to sell your house is without a realtor. Realtors take time. They have multiple clients they are working with simultaneously, so they are not focused just on you or your house. 

Real estate agents have a process that they go through in order to sell your house, and it can take months to get a sale. Even then, the sale can break down in escrow, and you’re left with a house that you can’t afford or don’t want. Selling your house fast in Fort Lauderdale doesn’t have to be difficult. 

Eliminating a realtor from the home selling equation can save you as much as 6 percent in commission fees. That means you will save literally thousands of dollars. Selling your house without a realtor will not only cut down on the cost but also on the amount of time it takes for your house to sell. 

Many people think that they need a realtor in order to sell their house, but that assumption is simply incorrect. You can sell your house without the help of a realtor. Here’s how. 

Set a Realistic Price

Many homeowners are sentimental about their house. After all, it’s where they have lived for years with their family. This feeling makes many people believe that their home is worth more than it actually is. In order to price your house, you will have to put emotions aside and use hard data. 

Compare recent sales in your neighborhood for similar homes, square footage, and when they were last updated. Remember, your house will not be the same price as one that sold for a higher amount because it was recently renovated. Also, make sure to check the number of bedrooms and bathrooms because those have a significant impact on resale value. 

You can also hire an appraiser who will give you an estimate of your home after a walkthrough. However, appraisals cost a lot. You can expect to pay around $400 for an appraisal, and it may not be necessary if the buyer’s bank does one anyway. 

The Property Nation Difference 

Many homeowners don’t know how to price their house because they are not professionals. This can mean making mistakes when it comes to selling for a realistic price. If you price too high, you won’t get any offers. If you price too low, you might not be getting the real value of your home in its current condition. 

With Property Nation, you don’t have to worry about spending money trying to figure out the price of your home. That means no more wasted time spending hours upon hours doing research about the houses in your area. We’ll send one of our agents to your home for a walkthrough, and they will make you an offer on the spot. 

Advertising is incredibly important when it comes to selling a home. Many home buyers start their search on the internet, so you will want to list your house. Unfortunately, listing your home costs money. While it may not be a significant sum, the more listings you post, the more that money adds up. 

Describe your home 

When you list your house, you will need to include photos of the interior and exterior so that potential buyers can determine whether or not they want to see it in person. If your house doesn’t look appealing in these ads, people won’t get off of their couch to go look at it. You should also describe in words your house as specifically as possible using terms that home buyers are looking for. 

For example, we know that buyers like to know whether the house has been recently updated, has a pool, and where the laundry is located. Make sure to highlight improvements that many people don’t think about, like a new roof or water heater, since these will have a significant effect on how much people are willing to pay. 

What we do

Advertising costs money. When you’re trying to sell your house fast, you don’t want to spend money that you may not have in your pocket in order to make money on your house. Property Nation takes the guesswork out of advertising. 

You don’t have to spend any time or money listing your house. Instead, all you have to do is contact us, and we’ll be available to take a look at your home and give you an offer based on its as-is condition. 

Be Patient

Whether you are selling your home yourself or working with a realtor, you will have to be patient. It’s impossible to sell your house this way overnight. The first open house may not result in any offers since people are just putting out their feelers and looking around. 

Typically, you will have to have multiple open houses before you get any offers. Even after that, you may not agree with the offer. You can always expect that there will be some back and forth, which can lead to you accepting less money than you wanted or the sales process ending there because you and the buyer can’t agree on the terms. 

You may even have to revisit your price and listing and update any materials to make sure your home is listed well enough and reaching as many people as possible. 

Final Thoughts

Patience is a virtue many home sellers don’t have when they need to sell their house fast for a variety of reasons. Often times, when people need to move quickly, they don’t have time for a realtor or to take measures into their own hands. 

When you contact Property Nation, we’ll try to close within seven days. A quick close means that you don’t have to worry about spending any more time or money on a home that you won’t be living in much longer. You don’t need a realtor to sell your house, and you will even get an all-cash offer so that you have money going directly into your pocket. 


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