Call or Text 786-220-6692 to Sell Your Home in 7 Days or Less!

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Sell Your Ugly House Miami – Get Fast Cash Today

Receive A No-Hassle Full Cash Offer on Your Home in Minutes!

Get Your Fast & Fair Cash Offer. It's Totally Free - There's No Hassle, No Obligation!

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Selling Your Ugly Home in Miami

When you need to sell your house as quickly as possible, you don’t have time to work with realtors. Their process takes months and can result in multiple offers that never lead to a real sale. It can be challenging to find homebuyers who want to buy ugly houses. Instead of spending tons of money and time with renovations that may not lead to a higher sale price, you can sell your house fast and for cash. Give us a call at 305-928-2711 or fill out our 30-second form.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section][vc_section full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1563009273281{border-top-width: 1px !important;border-bottom-width: 1px !important;padding-bottom: 35px !important;background-color: #f0f8ff !important;border-top-color: #a3ceff !important;border-top-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #a3ceff !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;}”][vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1570633752705{padding-top: 5px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”]

Sell Your Ugly Miami House for Cash in 3 Easy Steps:

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Call us at (305) 928-2711 or simply fill out this form right now!

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We’ll come view your home and make an offer right away…

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Decide when you want to close, and get your cash!


If you’re facing any of these problems and need to sell your Miami home, we can help!


Foreclosure   •   Tax Lien   •   Code Violations   •   Behind on Payments   •   Relocating   •   Probate
Job Transfer   •   Job Loss   •   Inherited Home   •   Vacant Home   •   Divorce   •   Expired Listing

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Traditional home sale vs selling the smart way to Property Nation

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Sell Your Miami House Fast, No Matter the Condition or Your Personal and Financial Situation

You can sell your house in any condition. We’ll purchase your house if it requires minor or major repairs, renovations, or if it’s just plain ugly. That means no spending money on expensive repairs or time painting the interior or exterior. Realtors use terms like “curb appeal” and want you to fix up your house before they will schedule an open house and begin finding potential buyers. None of that is necessary with Property Nation.

We’ve helped homeowners get their property taken off of their hands when they were faced with a number of personal and financial obstacles, including:

  • Probate
  • Relocation
  • Foreclosure
  • Tax Lien
  • Inherited/Vacant Homes
  • Code Violations
  • Job Transfer/Loss
  • Divorce
  • Fire Damage, Mold, and Floods

No matter what your personal situation is, we can help you sell your house. All you have to do is pick up the phone, and give Property Nation a call today

Buy property MiamiSell my house fast in North MiamiSelling an inherited home in South Florida

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[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_accordion style=”modern” color=”sky” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”The Property Nation Advantage” tab_id=”working-with-property-nation”][vc_column_text]Avoid Commissions and Fees: Any realtor you work with will take a chunk of change out of your pocket. No matter the sale price of your home, they will take a percentage for their fee. Did you know? Realtors can charge you as much as 8%. Often, this fee means that you are losing thousands of dollars that could have been yours.

Property Nation requires no fees. We visit your home and make you an offer at no charge. You keep your all-cash offer in your pocket and pay us nothing.

See also: sell my house in miami


No Repairs/Renovations: Real Estate agents want you to fix up your house before it goes on the market so that you can sell it for a higher price and they can get a larger commission. However, we know that some homeowners simply don’t have the money or the time to deal with minor or major repairs.

Know that your house needs fixing before it can be sold? Skip that part when you work with Property Nation. We require no renovations and no minor repairs when we buy your home. Instead, sit back and relax while we do all of the work.


No Long-Term Commitment: When you work with us, you won’t get locked into a lengthy contract like you would with a realtor. You are also under no obligation. When we visit your home and make an offer, you are free to choose whether to accept or decline.


Quick Process: When you need to sell your house fast, the traditional route may not work for you. Probate can take up to six weeks, while a short sale is not so short and can take up to four months, on average. Not to mention all of the issues you face if your home is inherited, and it may take months without end for you to get the house taken off of your hands.

With Property Nation, you can expect a quick process. We may be able to close in as little as seven days. In any case, you can expect a faster process than selling your house the traditional way, and with less stress.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We’ve helped sellers in all these situations and more. We’ve navigated some tough circumstances and we stood by our sellers every step of the way.  Let us work with you and be amazed at what we can accomplish together![/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”The Quickest Home Selling Process: Property Nation” tab_id=”sell-your-ugly-fort-lauderdale-house-process”][vc_column_text]

We buy ugly houses Miami

For those home sellers who don’t have the time to deal with short sales, probates, or the traditional home selling process, you can rely on Property Nation. Selling your home can be easy, quick, and simple.

For more information, give us a call at 305-928-2711 or fill out our 30-second form.

Sell Your House Fast in Three Easy Steps:

Step One: Contact Us
By giving us a call or filling out our 30-second form, you can begin your home selling process. We will gather information about your situation and your home.

After we have our preliminary information, we will schedule a time to come by and look at your home. We’ll work within your schedule so that our services are as convenient for you as possible.

Step Two: Home Visit
We’ll show up to your home as promised so that we can do a walk-through. This walk-through will help our experts put together a set of options for you and your home.

We identify repairs and offer suggestions to unlock the potential of selling your home for a fair cash offer. Our specialist will be able to make you an offer on your home immediately after they have completed the home visit.

Step Three: Selling Your House
Once we agree on the price, you will sign a sales agreement. This agreement is easy to understand, something that other real estate documents are not. All that’s left is to decide on a closing date, which you will choose based on your particular schedule.

Once the closing day comes, you will sign some additional paperwork and receive the agreed-upon payment amount. [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Sell Your House Fast” tab_id=”we-buy-all-houses”][vc_column_text]

We’re Miami’s Trusted Cash Home Buyers

Working with companies that buy ugly houses for cash can be intimidating. We make our process easy. Our specialists are here to answer any of your questions and help you sell your house fast for cash.

When most people consider selling their home, the first thing they do is look around and start thinking about all of the hassles involved, like the cost of renovations and repairs, and the long drawn-out real estate process. What many homeowners don’t know is that there is a better way. Working with Property Nation is faster, easier, and stress-free.

Want to learn how you can sell your house in as little as seven days? Contact Property Nation.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”We can buy your ugly homes in the following location” tab_id=”1562753748247-54a6e3eb-52dc”][vc_column_text]

We Buy Houses in Miami, Dade County, and the Surrounding Areas:

Bal Harbour
Bay Colony
Bay Colony Club
Bermuda Riviera
Beverly Heights
Birch Park-Finger Streets
Boulevard Park Isles
Breakwater Surf Club
Central Beach
Chula Vista Isles
City View
Colee Hammock
Coral Ridge
Coral Ridge Country Club
Flagler Village
Flamingo Park
Galt Ocean Mile
Golden Heights
Harbor Beach
Harbor Drive
Harbour Inlet
Harbour Isles
Hendricks and Venice Isles
Himmarshee Village (Historic
Home Beautiful Park
Lauderdale Heights
Lauderdale Isles
Lauderdale Manors
Lauderdale West
Laudergate Isles
Lofts of Palm Aire
Melrose Manors
Melrose Park
Middle River Terrace
Montego Bay
Navarro Isle
North Beach Island
North Golf Estates
Rio Vista
River Garden/Sweeting
River Oaks
River Run
Riverland Manors
Riverland Village
Riverland Woods
Riverside Park
Riviera Park
Riviera Isles
Rock Island
Sailboat Bend
Seven Isls
Shady Banks
South(Lauderdale) Beach


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Featured Client Stories

We care about helping you get out of your situation and always put you first to make sure it’s a win-win for everyone involved. We never haggle you on price or low-ball you on price. Instead, you get a fair value offer for your house that works for both of us.

Richard O. 1:30min
Aldo M. 0:19 Min
Pierre 1:11
Happy customers
Alfonso C 4:55
Karla Pratt
Karla P. 1:23 min
Robin 1:00 min
Jorge G. 1:58
Mary 1:03
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Get a Fast Cash Offer on Your House

Fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon!

Get Your Fast & Fair Cash Offer. It's Totally Free - There's No Hassle, No Obligation!

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What To Expect Next

  • Connect with our home buying experts and a get a CASH offer in minutes.
  • Discover how EASY it is to sell your house without paying fees, commissions, or repairs. Keep more money in your pocket!
  • Sell your house FAST - in as little as 7 days, or whenever you're ready.
"We calculated with a Realtor, and when you take into consideration the Realtors fees, commissions, and so forth, it was a no-brainer, the offer that Property Nation came to us with was market value for cash. A great deal and it was more than we would have gotten from a Realtor."
– Alfonso
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